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$54.6 trillion U.S. Modernization Market
In the Modernization Market, communities, smart cities and village’s focuses on more efficient, livable and sustainable by focusing on the key areas: education, energy, manufacturing, transportation, building and homes, water and public services. In addition to building new communities, existing communities can be rehabbed or rebuilt. Business provide products and services to the local communities. Modern transportation is provided. Community leaders need to support hundreds of businesses move into their communities.
The manufacturing facilities assemble six hundred 2,400 megawatt (thermal) clean process plants at the rate of per week or 50 plants per year. Based upon assembling two plants per week and selling them for $1 billion, the annual revenues from the additional assemble lines are estimated at $100 billion.
The six hundred clean process plants produce 12 trillion-kilowatt hours of thermal energy per year. Each 2,400 Megawatt clean process plant produces 20 billion kilowatts (thermal energy) and is composed of ten 250 Megawatt modules. Each module generates 2 billion kilowatts of process energy. Based upon 5 per kilowatt-hour. a process plant’s annual revenues are $1 billion.
Clean process plants are 80 percent efficiency compared to 40 percent, which doubles the energy efficiency. Rather than burning coal, oil, biomass and natural gas and destroying our environment, the carbon sources are used for making consumer and industrial products.
After meeting United States internal energy needs for six hundred clean process plants, the plants are exported to other countries. At $1 billion per process plant, the United States Balance of Trade increases by $50 billion per year. The fifty 2,400 clean process plants supplied to other countries and produce one trillion-kilowatt hours of thermal energy per year for manufacturing products.
Petrochemicals and Manufacturing facilities will make consumer and industrial products from coal, oil, biomass and natural gas rather than burning them and destroying Earth’s environment. Petrochemicals are chemical compounds derived from petroleum and other hydrocarbons, which are obtained from crude oil and natural gas. Global Petrochemicals Market grows from $400 billion to $100 trillion.
If the United States maintains its current share of fifteen percent of the market, the United States market will grow to over $15 trillion. The following are some of the thousands of uses for carbon products that are being used today.
“Methane & Derivatives Reaction solvent, textile dry cleaning, fire extinguishing, metal degreasing, grain fumigant, packaging, auto parts, appliance parts, plumbing & hardware, pens & pencils, lighters, shavers, molding compound, particle board adhesive, foam insulation, automotive parts, furniture, dinnerware, plastics, gasoline component, single cell protein (use as additives and animal feeds), chemical intermediate (e.g. perfumery chemicals), windscreen wash, ethyl alcohol denaturing, latex paints, lacquer resins, enamel resins, oil additives, leather finishes, paper coating, textile coating, floor polishes, high octane gasoline component & oxygenate.
“Propylene & Derivatives Rubbing alcohol, pharmaceuticals, coating solvents, personal care products, aerosols, chemical intermediates (e.g. plastics & rubber products), carpeting, brushes, rope, tape, toys, non-woven fibre, plastic bottles, boxes, appliance parts, protective coating in latex paints, adhesives, ink solvents, extracted solvents for oils, perfumes, drugs, plastics, leather solvents, coated paper & textiles, clothing, carpet, draperies & curtains, awnings & blankets, home furnishings, paint rollers, speaker grills, battery separators, pipe & fittings, automotive parts, appliance parts, business machines, telephones, packaging, luggage, toys, medical disposables, industrial parts, boxes & containers, polyurethane foam, fibreglass composites, food fumigant, chemical intermediate, detergents, solvent, antifreeze, humectant (creams, lotions, moisturisers), preservative, lubricant, softening agent, cosmetics, hydraulic fluid, cutting oil, suntan lotion, paper, cements, ceramics, disposable diapers, floor polish.
“Butylenes & Derivatives Sealants, caulking compound, adhesives, tyre products, lubricant viscosity improver, adsorbent fibre, pipe fabrication. solvent (e.g. vinyl coatings, acrylic coating), paper and ink manufacture, lubricant oil dewaxing.”
The plants also desalt seawater for drinking, irrigating crops, and changing deserts back into forests, plus splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen for consumer, industrial, and commercial uses.
Water and pubic services Clean process plants desalt seawater for drinking and irrigating their crops; Desalt Facilities in California could seawater for drinking and irrigating, which would able their agriculture economy to thrive.
Hydrogen and oxygen for consumer, industrial, and commercial uses.
After meeting United States internal energy needs for six hundred clean process plants, the plants are exported to other countries. The fifty clean process plants would produce 1 trillion-kilowatt hours of thermal energy. At five ten cents per kilowatt-hour, the fifty clean process plant’s annual revenues are $50 billion. Selling the fifty power plants at $1 billion, the United States Balance of Trade improves by $50 billion per year.
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