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United States World Class Education
Students are empowers to acquire the knowledge and
learn from their experiences to full their dreams.
Educators need to change their fundamental beliefs that education is something done to students rather than something students engage in. Student engagement in having choices, personalization, authentic learning, global perspective, and global competence. A truly world class education system empowers students to learn to take advantage of opportunities to pursue their dreams.
Empower students to tackle 21st century issues, not about achievement test scores and engaging students in authentic learning experiences, not standardized learning experiences. Using the Internet to engage students to in their own learning rather than sitting passively in classrooms, waiting for the content to be delivered to them.
Stead of churning out “acceptable” test scores like the 20th century schools. Schools need to foster creativity, entrepreneurial thinking, and innovation. The book, World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students, by Yong Zhao has eight indicators for a World-Class education are paraphrased below:
“1. A world class education system gives students the “right and opportunity” to participate in school governance, and in constructing the physical, social, and cognitive school environment.
The dictatorial nature of our current education system. It seeks to dictate exactly what every student should learn, without regard to her interests or talents. Students aren’t provided opportunities to have any say in their own learning. The whole idea of “educating students” is something done to them, and they are passive participants.
In a world-class education system, students have a say in their own learning. They participate in the development and construction of their own learning and places of learning. In a word, students are empowered to take ownership of their own learning.
“2. A world class education capitalizes on student engagement by giving students a curriculum that is broad and flexible.
The curriculum gives students the freedom to pursue their own interests and the development of their own personal talents, rather than creating standardized workers capable of all performing the same tasks. Our current education still seeks to narrow the curriculum and make it rigid. The belief that there are a list of skills and talents every student should have drives a curriculum narrowly focused on skills and talents subject to standardized testing.
A world-class education system has a broad, flexible curriculum that can be individually tailored to the interests, talents, and abilities of each student.
“3. A world class education system provides personal support for each of its students.
Our traditional schools were and still are still set up to deliver an assembly-line education in a standardized manner. A true world-class education system provides what Zhao calls sufficient and accessible “emotional, social, and cognitive support for students so they can personalize their own learning.” All students are connected to at least one significant adult in the building.
A world-class education system personalizes each student’s education through a solid system of support.
“4. A world class education system engages students in authentic learning experiences that ask them to create authentic products of learning.
In our current traditional system of education, students still spend a great deal of their learning time engaged in inauthentic activities involving worksheets, textbooks, and standardized tests. Instead, students in a world-class education system are engaged in learning where student work is defined as authentic and real-world.
A world-class education system engages students in 21st century learning tasks that are authentic and personally meaningful.
“5. A world class education system engages students in a sustained and disciplined process of learning.
In the old traditional education system, students basically complete their work. The teacher grades it and gives it back. In a world-class education system, students are engaged in a learning process that asks them to develop, review, evaluate and revise. In this kind of learning, students are clearly engaged in more that finding right answers and giving them to the teacher.
Students are engaged in a world-class education that asks them develop, evaluate, revise, and promote products of their learning.
“6. A world class education system capitalizes on the local strengths of its students, teachers.
A world class education system takes advantage of the locale of its schools, and it effectively taps into community resources. The schools’ teaching reflects the strengths of its teaching staff. The system provides ways for both teachers and students to exploit their own talents and interests.
A world class education system seeks not to standardize, but to make the most of both its students and teachers in all learning.
“7. A world class education system has a world orientation.
This means simply, that the school operates from a global perspective, not the narrow perspective of local community or even country. World-class schools seek international partnerships, and students are engaged in learning involving global issues. In addition, students are engaged in frequent interactions with students from other countries.
In other words, a world-class education system moves students and their learning beyond the walls of their classrooms and even the borders of their country.
“8. A world class education system develops the global competence in its students.
Global competence refers to the ability of students to interact with others from different cultures. This means in world-class schools, foreign languages and cultural learning are important. It means students have opportunities to interact with these foreign cultures either through the use of technology or through field trips.
In other words, a world-class education system provides opportunities for students to experience other countries and cultures in engaging and relevant ways.”
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