Bureaucratic Gods
“Trillion is a million times a million
or the number one followed by twelve zeros.”
The Bureaucratic Gods are becoming affluent multimillionaires by wasting trillions of taxpayer’s dollars creating their Towers of Babel. The New York Times article “Our Broken Economy, in One Simple Chart” shows the massive devastation that they have caused. The poor and middle-lass, who were the largest income growth rates, are now the lowest growth rate. The Bureaucratic Gods are writing rules and regulations that are taking trillions of dollars from the taxpayers, giving the money to themselves, and forcing million of Americans into poverty.
After President Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War, Americans expected a peacetime economy that reduced taxes and created millions of jobs. Democrats and Republicans worked together. President Bill Clinton and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich reduced the bureaucracy and passed Telecommunication Act of 1996, which created a budget surplus of $300 billion. Deregulating the telecommunication market created over 25 million jobs in the first eight years and continues to grow at 30 percent annually.
However, President George W Bush and President Barak Obama returned to supporting the Bureaucratic Gods and started wars with nine countries in the Middle East. The cost of the wars is over $6 trillion. Bureaucratic Gods have misappropriating trillion per year, which has increased the United States deficit by $15 trillion. Federal, state, and local government’s spending represents 45 percent of United States Gross Domestic Product (GDP). If $1.6 trillion Carbon Tax had been implemented, government spending would have increased to 54 percent of the GDP.
In the Office of Personnel Management, the Senior Executive Service (SES) has four levels of managers between political appointees and government employees. SES employees write the legislation, laws, budgets, rules, and regulations, which have defrauded American out of trillions of dollars. The SES employees are Bureaucratic Gods who are building Towers of Babel by circumventing the U.S. Constitution. The Bureaucrats Gods publish draft rules and regulations in Federal Register, obtain public comments from their friends, and publish them in the Federal Register. The laws and regulations are being enforced by the federal courts.
In 2016, Republicans were elected to secure the borders, drain the swamp, end the wars, reduce taxes, create millions of jobs, and give people the freedom to fulfill their dreams. Democrats worked with the Bureaucratic Gods and offered deporables trillions of dollars if people voted for them. The Bureaucratic Gods expected to spend an additional $1.6 trillion annually; but, draining the swamps will save Americans trillions of dollars.
President Donald Trump has already saved trillions of dollar by withdrawing from the Paris Climate Acord . Republicans and Democrats need to worked together to help 320 million Americans. President Donald Trump drains the swamp by eliminating the Bureaucratic Gods along with their Towers of Babel. and signs a Clean Energy Bill, passed by Congress, to deregulate clean energy. The Clean Energy Act is similar to Telecommunication Act of 1996 . The synergistic effects will stimulate America’s economy and create over 25 million jobs.
With a four percent economic growth rate, the corporate federal Income rate can be reduced to 15 percent. The $1.6 trillion savings from draining the federal swamp is used to eliminate the Federal Individual Income Taxes. States and local governments can also save an estimated $1 trillion by draining their swamps. Federal, state, and local government spending can be reduced from 45 percent to 30 percent of GDP.
Ask 140 million voters
Do you want to keep your hard-earned money
or pay taxes to make the Bureaucratic Gods multimillionaires?
Please send your comments or questions to norm@energyusa.net
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