United States of America
Electrification, Modernization, & Exploration Plan
America becomes the greatest country in the World. America’s economy grows at 4.4 percent annually from $17.5 to $80 trillion and represent eight percent of the World’s Economy. Government, business and educational leaders change to clean energy, reallocate resources, and provide millions of Americans with a World-Class Education and the freedom to pursue their dreams.
Telecommunications Act of 1996 deregulated communication that enabled the established the Internet and modern communication. The President sign a Clean Energy Bill that deregulates clean energy and encourages rapid deployment of new clean energy technologies by the private sector. The bill includes clean energy generation, storage, transmission and distribution markets by the private sector plus competition by removing regulatory barriers to entry in order to achieve lower prices, improve the quality of energy services.
Electrification is $5.4 trillion Market: Power plants generate 5 trillion kilowatt hours of electricity for people’s homes, businesses, communities, electric vehicles and transportation systems. 400 clean power plants generate 4 trillion kilowatt hours of electricity; and green power plants provide an additional 1 trillion kilowatt hours. Carbon dioxide emission are reduced by over fifty percent from 5.5 to 3 billion metric tons.
Modernization is $54.6 trillion Market: Process plants provide 15.8 trillion kilowatt hours of thermal energy: 12 trillion kilowatt-hours from clean process plants and 3.8 trillion kilowatt hours from carbon energy. The thermal energy is used to manufacture trillions of dollars of industrial, commercial and consumer products from coal, oil, biomass and natural gas rather than burning them and destroying the World’s environment. The process plants will also desalt seawater for drinking, irrigating crops, and changing deserts into forests, plus splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen for consumer, industrial, and commercial uses.
Exploration of Space is $20 trillion Market: Airplanes use milligrams rather than hundreds of tons of fuel. Shuttlecrafts will take millions of people to International Space Stations or “Love Boats in the Sky” in minutes. Spacecraft will take millions of people to communities on the Moon in hours and Mars in days. People travel in starships to explore some of the trillions of planets orbiting two hundred billions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
The Clean Energy Bills economic benefits are similar to the Telecommunication Bill of 1996. Implementing a $1 trillion Business Infrastructure Investment enables America’s economy to grows by 4.4 percent annually and create 30 million jobs in eight years and 60 million jobs in thirty years. America will be in the midst of the longest economic expansion in our history. Foreign markets are opened so American workers can compete abroad. Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced from 5.6 billion to less than 0.8 billion metric tons. United States lives in harmony with Nature.
In Education to Careers programs, students are mentored and provided opportunities to have a World Class Education and are empowered to live out their dreams. The programs include formal education in the classroom, trade schools, Internet classes, plus extra circular activities. Students, parents, teachers and business working together to empower students be successful in life and pursue their dreams.
Please send your comments or questions to norm@energyusa.net
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